The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in force since May 25, 2018. It regulates how and which personal data may be stored, which data may be passed on to third parties and which rights the individual has.
When you visit this homepage, no data is stored.
In addition, the session and its history are stored in the database for fraud prevention not stored. Visiting our homepage is completely anonymous and does not require registration.
Many websites are financed through advertising; or they use third-party functionalities,
integrate social media plugins. In addition, third-party analysis tools (e.g. Google) are often used.
Each page view is also communicated to all third parties.
Cookies and browser signatures track you and anonymous, i.e. undetected, surfing is no longer possible.
No link icons, fonts, cookies or other functionalities are used on these pages.
No third-party analytics are used, no tracking is carried out, and no advertising is placed.
Even though these sites are not strictly subject to GDPR because there is no commercial use of data,
no business is associated with it, we would still like to grant the rights associated with the GDPR.
This way you can always see what is stored about you via the images/photos in the photo galleries.
You can request that all personal or vehicle-related data be deleted.
Authors' articles and press releases. Your vehicle images can be deleted by the webmaster.
However, posts are not deleted because these pages consist mainly of written lines, text and articles.
Of course, we very much hope that you have no reason to have data deleted.
The board of directors is responsible for compliance with data protection.
You can write an opinion email on this topic.
The event registration forms will not be passed on to third parties. They will be destroyed after a waiting period.
We hope that we have been able to answer all of your questions about the privacy policy of our website and about our wonderful classic car hobby.
If not, just speak to our 1st or 2nd board member.